
Vehicles List

Chelyabinsk region, Retroauto

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Sort by: vehicle no. / Registration number / Serie and registration number / model / modification / manufacturing date / withdrawal date / notes

Reg. # Model Body number Mod. Chassis number Built Since... To... Depot Remarks
(74) Б/Н 0003 Moskvitch-401-420 '54-56 Others Памятник
03-85 ЧЕТ GAZ-24-01 Volga '70-86 Others
12-78 ЧБИ VAZ-2106 '75-06 230779 1978 Others Регистрация — 08.1978
21-00 ЧЕЮ VAZ-21011 '74-83 Others
25-34 ЧЕА GAZ-M-21K Volga '58-62 Others
30-40 ЧБО VAZ-21011 '74-83 3518956 1980 Others
30-74 ЧБО VAZ-2103 '72-84 Others
62-97 ЧБТ GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 Others
81-07 ЧБФ VAZ-2105 '80-88 122432 1981 Others
85-36 ЧЕЦ Mercedes-Benz 230 (W153) '38-43 446846 Others
А 206 ТН 174 GAZ-24-10 Volga '85-92 1353977 1990 Others Ранее Н 118 МУ 174
А 420 УН 174 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 36455 37782 1971 Others
А 944 ЕК 774 BMW 7 Series (E32) '86-94 1993 Others
В 231 РН 174 ВАЗ-21099 '90-04 2277765 1997 06.2014 Others
В 583 РМ 174 GAZ-21R Volga '65-70 119132 387879 1966 Others
В 658 НК 174 Volvo 760 GLE '84-90 39271 1987 Others
Е 021 РО 196 GAZ-М-21V Volga '57-58 1958 Others
Е 067 УВ 74 Toyota Camry (V40) '94-98 SV41-0061846 1996 Others
Е 099 КТ 174 Moskvich-412IE-028 (Izh) '82-97 Others
Е 147 КО 74 GAZ-М-21L Volga '62-64 222105 228306 1963 Others
Е 355 НТ 74 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 1983 Others
Е 496 ТА 74 Moskvitch-2140 '76-88 853971 687639 1980 Others
Е 590 ЕК 74 GAZ-M-21I Volga '58-62 99971 99296 1960 Others
Ж 5111 ЧБ VAZ-2101 '70-83 Others
К 095 ВК 74 VAZ-21013 '77-88 4702849 1985 Others
К 100 РТ 74 Moskvitch-400/401 (common model) Others
К 549 ОЕ 74 VAZ-2101 '70-83 4008149 1982 Others
К 654 ТТ 174 VAZ-2101 '70-83 2415150 1977 Others
К 736 ЕЕ 74 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 306985 302803 1975 Others
К 775 УУ 74 Moskvitch-2140 '76-88 1475288 1984 2000 Others
К 957 АЕ 774 GAZ-21US Volga '65-70 1965 Others
М 135 УУ 74 Audi 80 (B4) '91-96 139522 1992 Others
М 476 РЕ 174 ВАЗ-21099 '90-04 2994988 2001 Others
М 529 ОУ 74 VAZ-2101 '70-83 286625 1972 Others
М 580 ХЕ 174 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 507769 511420 1978 Others Ранее 02-54 ЧБП
М 853 АВ 774 ВАЗ-21099 '90-04 3675451 2004 03.2021 Others
Н 570 СУ 74 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 751433 760965 1981 Others
Н 698 МН 174 Moskvitch-2140 '76-88 1609279 296732 1985 Others
НУ 91-71 GAZ-M-21A Volga '58-62 Taxi Others
О 419 НХ 74 GAZ-M-21I Volga '58-62 74836 74406 1960 Others
О 677 КР 774 VAZ-21063 '77-94 2043273 1988 04.2024 Others
О 739 РТ 174 Moskvich-412IE (Izh) '70-82 1973 Others
ПРОБА ЧБ 00-57 GAZ-M-1 '36-43 Taxi Others
Р 190 УР 174 VAZ-21011 '74-83 1330094 1975 Others Ранее С 875 УС 74
С 017 АР 774 ВАЗ-21099 '90-04 3697183 2004 06.2021 Others
С 187 ЕР 774 VAZ-21013 '77-88 4714826 1986 Others
У 021 ОУ 174 GAZ-21R Volga '65-70 221001 541084 1968 Others
У 229 УВ 74 Nissan (Common model) EU14-007493 01.1996 12.2020 Others Nissan Bluebird (U14) '96-01
У 272 НВ 174 VAZ-21065 '90-02 4074590 1998 Others
У 844 ХЕ 74 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 810179 819855 1982 Others
Х 046 НВ 74 GAZ-24 Volga '68-86 467973 470087 1977 Others
Х 545 МА 174 GAZ-3111 '00-04 435 348 2001 03.2011 06.2019 Others
Ц 2323 ЧБ Mercedes-Benz (W123) '76-86 3012975 1975 08.1991 Others
ЧБ 07-46 GAZ-M-1 '36-43 Taxi Others
ЧБ 97-95 GAZ-M-1 '36-43 Taxi Others

Records shown: 55 from 55

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